Thursday, March 24, 2011



“you know, you are right, I've never had a girlfriend."



“have you ever fell in love then? or liked a girl? "

"um...I wouldn't call it love. I mean I don't think I know what love is, do you?"


“...which means you have really really liked a girl? yeah?"

"well, yea, I guess you can say that. Really really liked a girl."

"someone in our school?"

"nah, it was a girl that I know since I was 10; we were childhood friends, in fact, we where the only Chinese kids in our elementry school. We were always just good friends, but then we ended up in the same high school, and sephmore year I finally asked her out..."

"that's so sweet" 我总是很羡慕那种青梅竹马的爱情故事。

"sweet? I actually regret that I ever asked her out. Everything just went down hill from that point..."

"what happened?"


“well, long story short, 3 months later she hooked up with one of my good friends. "

这次我藏不住我的惊讶,但一时也不知道该说什么。"I'm sorry...."

“nah, that's ok. it's all good. I was too young to be in a relationship anyways..."


“sorry, we will be closed in 10 mins."

"well, looks like it's time to go ..." K一边说一边开始收拾。


“hey, I'm glad you are my project parnter, we got things done pretty was nice talking to you too, I haven't told anyone about that story..."

"oh...yea...same here; and don't worry I don't tell anyone"

"nah, I don't mean that. I don't really care. It was just a good the way, 我们可以讲中文阿。我中文还可以。拜拜,小心开车”还没等我说什么他替我关了车门。


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Best Hair Conditioner

My Top Pick

- Redken All soft

- Aussie Miracle

Tip: adding drops of essential oil (olive oil or avocado oil works well)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

活在当下的人 - Chapter 2

一个半小时以后,我们的project已经有了好的开始。我不得不认同我许多女生朋友的观点,就算是很nerdy的做功课K依然可以毫不做作的散发他的魅力。自从他坐了下来, 我好几次都不由自主地偷看他。而他的淡褐色的眼睛却始终不离电脑屏幕。 我不知道他到底值不知道自己的这种吸引力,还是他其实已经习惯。


" You are quite popular in school, aren't you? "

" oh, yea? Who told you that?"

" Well, a lot of my girl friends have been talking about you..."

" oh really, who? If she's cute, hook me up"

" I'm sure they would love to, but I don't know, you seem to date a lot. I don't want you to break any of my girl friend's heart"

"hah, what you talking about. I know how to treat a lady."

"...have you ever had a girl friend?"

"what kind of question is that?"

"fine, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to"

K停顿了一下, 并没有再多说些什么, 嘴角却留着一份淡淡的我才不透的笑意。咖啡店里放着不知名的slow jazz,已经没有其他的客人了,只剩下我们和在一旁玩着psp的店员。 K 似乎陷入某种思绪中,我没有再接话伸手去那桌上以凉了的咖啡。

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

活在当下的人 (The Man who lives in the Present)

K 的魅力是我无法形容的。俊俏的外表和完美的身材也只是让全校女生为他着迷的其中一部分的原因。也许是他的言谈举止之间流入出的那种男人的不羁,也许是他上课时专注的眼神,也许是因为他在加州大学篮球联赛中成为唯一一位华人球员在决战赛上拿下35分的辉煌成绩, 也许只是他像阳光般温柔的笑容,他出现在校园的任何一个角落都会使周围的女生窃窃私语。和K约会过的女生不计其数,偶尔也会听说有女生为他争风吃醋,大打出手。可我却从未听说他有女朋友。

和K的相识是在大二夏天的暑期经济课上。因为是暑期,课上人也很少。他刚巧坐在我的前面,当老师让我们为term project找partner的时候,他突然回头,及其自然的问我 “Hey, wanna be my be my project partner?"


第一次的team meeting是在我的宿舍附近的咖啡店。咖啡店说是11:30pm关店, 我们约了晚上9点钟,刚好在K的篮球训练之后。我8点就到了想先给project做个qucik start. 暑假的咖啡店少有的冷清,刚好适合写功课。

“hey, how's going. Sorry I'm late."

K突然打断了我的思路。我抬起头,一边收拾桌子上散乱的书和case studies, 一边望向墙上的钟,9:05pm.

我笑道:“It's only 9:05, you are forgiven. How's the practice? ”

“ I hate to let people wait. The practice went well......give me a second, let me order something first and I'll get started on the project”

几分钟后K坐了下来。我们讨论了一下project plan和工作的分配就没有再闲聊什么了,各自开始埋头打字。

Thursday, September 9, 2010


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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

盐酥鸡 - salt pepper chicken

Deep Fryer is one of the best kitchen appliance that I've ever bought. I bought mine from Amazon, $40 CoolDaddy brand

My first experiment - 盐酥鸡 - salt pepper chicken


主料:雞腿肉 黑胡椒鹽 蔥 蒜 薑末 辣椒末 鹽 白胡椒粉 米酒

裹粉:地瓜粉+ 酥炸粉

1。 腌肉 - 加入所有的調味料醃至少1小時
2。 沾粉 - mix 地瓜粉+ 酥炸粉, add more 地瓜粉than 酥炸粉, 將醃好的雞塊沾好粉
3。 鸡要好的时候,加九層塔 (我炸了7,8分钟)炸至酥黃即可撈起。
4。 吃的時候撒些黑胡椒鹽於雞塊上,配上香酥的滋味更佳。

Fryer's link:

I forgot to take pictures, but it looked even better than those professional salt pepper chicken that you see at Tea Station or other places.

My bf gives 10 out of 10. I love it too!! Thanks to Deep Fryer, truly my best investment of the month.

Best Moisturisers - Sophie's Pick

My philosophy in picking the right moisturiser is simple, it must have the followign qualities:

- Fregrance Free (perfume is one of the biggest skin irritant)
- Color Free
- No harsh chemicals
- Acholoh is Not the main ingredient
- Contain anti-inflammary elements

Notice that I didn't list "oil-free", I used to stick to oil free products but as I grow older and read more about eccesntial oils, I found certain oils can be very beneficial to our skin.

废话少说,Here is the list

- Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief
- CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion 12 fl oz (355 ml)
- Good Skin Intense moisture cream (only at Kohls, but sold out everywhere and possibly discontinued. One of the best moisturisers I ever used)

That's it. Currently I'm still using Clinique Moisture Surge, it's desgined for super dry skin, but in reality I think it fits oily skin better. I apply this moisturizer both morning and night, except at the night time, I add a drop of Jojoba oil and mix it with it. I love it

I also recommend adding oil to your lotion or moisturizer at night time. Here is also a list of oils for you to consider ( you can buy these at Whole Food, Trader Joes, Henry's)

- Jojoba Oil (, has the cheapest and best quality bottle of jojoba oil)
- Avacado Oil
- Sweet Almond Oil

I also use the above oil in my hair care routine. I'll write about that in my next post...